JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 30(4): 462-501, doi: 10.3897/jucs.103011
Knowledge-Related Policy Analysis in an Inference-Enabled Actor Model
expand article infoShahrzad Riahi, Ramtin Khosravi, Fatemeh Ghassemi§
‡ University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran§ Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Open Access
People provide their information to distributed systems to receive the desired services. This information may be disclosed to the agents of the system as part of messages transmitted among them. As the agents of the system are smart, they can infer new information from their obtained information, that they may not be authorized to know. So preserving privacy in such systems is an important and yet challenging issue. We study the problem of analyzing the disclosure of private information in distributed asynchronous systems. Our approach to prevent private information disclosure is to require the system to follow knowledge-related policies defined for the system at design time. To achieve this, we construct a model of the system and assume the policies as the system properties and check whether these properties are satisfied in the system or not. In order to construct a model of the system, we extend the actor model, which is a well known reference model for distributed asynchronous systems, by enriching actors by the knowledge base and inference capability. As our knowledge-related policies should not be violated in any state of the system, we propose an efficient invariant model checking algorithm to verify the satisfaction of the policies in our actor model.
Distributed systems, Knowledge, Inference, Privacy Policy, Formal Verification