JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 30(9): 1137-1139, doi: 10.3897/jucs.131628
Editorial: Fighting Cybersecurity Risks from a Multidisciplinary Perspective
expand article infoSteffen Wendzel, Aleksandra Mileva§, Virginia N. L. Franqueira|, Martin Gilje Jaatun
‡ Hochschule Worms, Worms, Germany§ Goce Delcev University, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia| University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom¶ University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway
Open Access

Digitization, powered by the Internet, artificial intelligence, inter-operabile data formats and communication standards, high-bandwidth mobile technology, and nano-technology, allows for an increasing number of new services that are tailored to the particular demands of end-users, industry and government organizations.

However, these new digital services have also become the major focus of cyber-crime. Whereas traditional research mostly covered pure technical aspects of cybercrime, it is becoming increasingly important to address cybercrime and cybersecurity in a multidisciplinary fashion, including legal, behavioral, technical and sociological aspects.

This special issue aims to offer a mixture of selected extended versions of papers presented at the European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference (EICC’23), which took place in Stavanger, Norway, as well as submissions from an open call. We considered papers dealing with the above-mentioned risks and problems, new challenges, interdisciplinary issues, and innovative multidisciplinary solutions (defense mechanisms, methods, and countermeasures) for promoting cybersecurity in the cyberspace.

Overall, we received 15 submissions. Each accepted paper received at least three reviews. After a first round of reviews, eight where rejected. The remaining seven papers underwent another round of reviews (five papers underwent a major revision and only two papers were scheduled to undergo a minor revision). Finally, the authors of these seven papers adequately addressed the reviewers’ comments and they thus have been accepted for inclusion in this special issue. 

We like to thank all authors who submitted their work to this special issue and all reviewers for their contributions. Further, we like to thank the J.UCS team for accepting our special issue for inclusion in their journal. We hope that all readers will enjoy this special issue.

Cyber Security, Network Security, Cyber Law, Information Protection, CVSS