JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 18(1): 86-105, doi: 10.3217/jucs-018-01-0086
PLAYER - a European Project and a Game to Foster Entrepreneurship Education for Young People
Benjamim Fonseca‡,
Leonel Morgado§,
Hugo Paredes,
Paulo Martins|,
Ramiro Gonçalves§,
Pedro Neves§,
Ricardo Rodrigues Nunes§,
Jorge Lima§,
João Varajão§,
Ângela Pereira¶,
Robert Sanders#,
Vera Barracho#,
Urban Lapajne¤,
Matej Rus¤,
Martin Rahe«,
Andre Mostert»,
Thorsten Klein»,
Viktorija Bojovic˄,
Saša Bošnjak˄,
Zita Bošnjak˄,
João Carvalho˅,
Isabel Duarte˅,
Andreana Casaramona¦,
Alberto Soraci¦ ‡ INESC TEC - INESC Technology & Science, Porto, Portugal§ University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal| INESC TEC and Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Porto, Portugal¶ Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Leiria, Portugal# EBN - European BIC Network, Brussels, Belgium¤ University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia« EADA - Escuela de Alta Dirección y Administración, Barcelona, Spain» University of East London, London, United Kingdom˄ University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia˅ CIEBI - Centro de Inovação Empresarial da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal¦ Innova BIC - Business Innovation Centre, Messina, Italy
Corresponding author:
Benjamim Fonseca
© Benjamim Fonseca, Leonel Morgado, Hugo Paredes, Paulo Martins, Ramiro Gonçalves, Pedro Neves, Ricardo Nunes, Jorge Lima, João Varajão, Ângela Pereira, Robert Sanders, Vera Barracho, Urban Lapajne, Matej Rus, Martin Rahe, Andre Mostert, Thorsten Klein, Viktorija Bojovic, Saša Bošnjak, Zita Bošnjak, João Carvalho, Isabel Duarte, Andreana Casaramona, Alberto Soraci. Citation:
Fonseca B, Morgado L, Paredes H, Martins P, Gonçalves R, Neves P, Nunes RR, Lima J, Varajão J, Pereira Â, Sanders R, Barracho V, Lapajne U, Rus M, Rahe M, Mostert A, Klein T, Bojovic V, Bošnjak S, Bošnjak Z, Carvalho J, Duarte I, Casaramona A, Soraci A (2012) PLAYER - a European Project and a Game to Foster Entrepreneurship Education for Young People. JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 18(1): 86-105. https://doi.org/10.3217/jucs-018-01-0086 | |
AbstractEntrepreneurship is widely recognized as one of the basic skills to be acquired through a life-long learning. The European Union, under the guidance of the Oslo Agenda, promotes several initiatives to develop entrepreneurship culture in Europe. Education can make a significant contribution to entrepreneurship, encouraging the development of entrepreneurial attitudes and skills in young people. Serious Games are presently recognised as having an important role and potential in education and social networks emerged in the last years as the platform preferred by many, especially young people, to socialize, play games and even learn. This paper presents the PLAYER project, in which a game was developed and implemented as a Facebook application, to enable learning entrepreneurial skills progressively, by guiding users to develop a business idea in the form of a business plan.
Keywordscomputers in education, technology enhanced learning, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, business education, serious games, Facebook, game based learning, EU project