JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 19(2): 186-206, doi: 10.3217/jucs-019-02-0186
MDD Adoption in a Small Company: Risk Management and Stakeholders' Acceptance
expand article infoFederico Tomassetti, Marco Torchiano, Lorenzo Bazzani§
‡ Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy§ Trim srl, Torino, Italy
Open Access
This article presents the knowledge and experience acquired trough the process ofestablishing MDD practices within a small Italian company. Special attention has been devoted to project constraints, perceived risks, and relative mitigation strategies. Moreover the articleevaluates how the introduction of the MDD approach was received by different stakeholders. In particular a structured questionnaire was the instrument used to reveal and collect the perceptionsby different roles involved in the MDD adoption process. The case study considered development of applications conforming to a prescriptive architectural framework, which addresses a complexmulti-tier architecture; the solution aims at describing component composition while avoiding both repeating tasks and writing awkward configurations.
mode-driven development, small companies, experience report, risk management