JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 22(2): 247-270, doi: 10.3217/jucs-022-02-0247
A Collaborative Game to Study Presence and Situational Awareness in a Physical and an Augmented Reality Environment
expand article infoDragos Datcu, Stephan Lukosch, Heide Lukosch
‡ Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands
Open Access
While augmented reality research has grown into a mature field over the last years, the aspects of situational awareness and presence of augmented reality (AR) are still quite open research topics. This paper introduces a collaborative game to explore the different perception of situational awareness and presence in a physical and an AR environment. The game is employed as an approximation of collaboratively solving complex problems. The goal of the game is to jointly build a tower with either physical blocks in a physical environment or virtual blocks in an augmented reality environment. A first study with 18 users shows the feasibility of the game and questionnaire design for studying the different perception of situational awareness and presence in a physical and an AR environment. The study further identifies necessary future research with regard to the perception of presence and awareness in AR.
collaboration, augmented reality, situational awareness, presence