JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 20(3): 277-301, doi: 10.3217/jucs-020-03-0277
Translation of Structural Constraints from Conceptual Model for XML to Schematron
expand article infoJakub Klímek, Soběslav Benda§, Martin Nečaský|
‡ Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic§ Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic| Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Open Access
Today, XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a standard for exchange inside and among IT infrastructures. For the exchange to work an XML format must be negotiated between the communicating parties. The format is often expressed as an XML schema. In our previous work, we introduced a conceptual model for XML, which utilizes modeling, evolution and maintenance of a set of XML schemas and allows schema designers to export modeled formats into grammar-based XML schema languages like DTD and XML Schema. However, there is another type of XML schema languages called rule-based languages with Schematron as their main representative. In our preceding conference paper [Benda et al.(2013)] we briefly introduced the process of translation from our conceptual model to Schematron. Expressing XML schemas in Schematron has advantages over grammar-based languages and in this paper, we describe the previously introduced translation in more detail with focus on structural constraints and how they are represented in Schematron. Also, we discuss the possibilities and limitations of translation from our grammar-based conceptual model to the rule-based Schematron.
XML schema, conceptual modeling, Schematron, translation