JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 19(5): 602-618, doi: 10.3217/jucs-019-05-0602
Effectiveness of Cloud Systems and Social Networks in Improving Self-directed Learning Abilities and Developing Positive Seamless Learning Perceptions
expand article infoFezile Ozdamli
‡ Near East University, North Nicosia, Turkey
Open Access
This study aims to analyze the conditions which affect students' perception on self-directed abilities and seamless learning using cloud systems and social network applications. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods was used in the study. Forty teacher candidates from the Near East University who took the course "Special Learning Methods" participated in the study. The study was carried out in one academic semester (12 weeks) according to the blended learning approach. Each learner had an individually networked laptop or another mobile device which included a "clip to EverNote". The results indicated that Mobile Supported Seamless Learning spaces (MSSL) support flexibility in place and time of learning, improve learners' self-directed learning, and change their perceptions on seamless learning.
seamless learning, cloud systems, mobile learning