JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 19(11): 1500-1521, doi: 10.3217/jucs-019-11-1500
Teaching Innova Project: the Incorporation of Adaptable Outcomes in Order to Grade Training Adaptability
expand article infoÁngel Fidalgo, María Luisa Sein-Echaluce§, Dolores Lerís§, Oscar Castañeda|
‡ Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain§ (Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain| Universidad de La Guajira, La Guajira, Colombia
Open Access
The education project presented in this paper endeavors to study the feasibility of incorporating adaptive systems into LMS systems, by using them both in training & learning process and at work. This case study is aimed at employability and job post improvement. For this purpose, we have created a process that is flexible both to the student pattern (and to the job pattern. The developed process is adaptable both to the student (via the incorporation of an adaptable system with an LMS system) and to the job model (via an adaptable system to the knowledge management). The evaluation was qualitative and measured the process (feasibility to apply adaptive systems) and the efficiency of the method (applicability and employability). The functionality of the specific developed tools allowed us to grade the degree of adaptability in the training process, to dynamically vary the training plan from the student's actions and to identify the resources that best met the job needs.
LMS, knowledge management system, repository, adaptable hypermedia system, personalized learning, lifelong learning