JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 0(0): 127-136, doi: 10.3217/jucs-000-00-0127
On Second Generation Hypermedia Systems
expand article infoKeith Andrews, Frank Kappe, Hermann Maurer, Klaus Schmaranz
‡ IICM, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Open Access
In this paper we claim that the navigational and structural tools currently available on the Internet are not sufficient to fully exploit the tremendous power of the largest information and communication ressource mankind has ever had. We contend that current hypermedia systems and its most prominent specimen WWW do not have enough functionality to provide the power that is needed. We explain important features that are absent, claim that "second generation" hypermedia systems incorporating such features are essential and mention a first such second generation hypermedia system called Hyper-G, which is just becoming available and is starting to be used for a wide variety of applications.