JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 2(10): 679-693, doi: 10.3217/jucs-002-10-0679
Computer-Supported Human Cooperation in Electronic Classrooms
expand article infoTomasz Müldner, Robin A. Nicholl
‡ Jodrey School of Computer Science, Acadia University Wolfville, Canada
Open Access
Recently, there has been growing excitement over the use of electronic classrooms. This paper provides a carefully balanced view of the advantages of using various technological facilities to improve teaching and learning, while recognizing the continuing need for a human teacher who coordinates and controls the learning process. In particular, our view is that technology should not be intrusive and should serve as a "means" towards specific educational goals, not as an "end" in itself. To illustrate this view we offer as a "case study" our vision of a course that uses electronic classrooms to assist teachers and students.
Computer science education, case study, computer supported cooperative work, education, electronic classrooms, groupware