JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 3(4): 233-246, doi: 10.3217/jucs-003-04-0233
Recursive Abstract State Machines
expand article infoYuri Gurevich, Marc Spielmann§
‡ University of Michigan, United States of America§ RWTH Aachen, Germany
Open Access
According to the ASM thesis, any algorithm is essentially a Gurevich abstract state machine. The only objection to this thesis, at least in its sequential version, has been that ASMs do not capture recursion properly. To this end, we suggest recursive ASMs. 1.) Partially supported by NSF grant CCR 95-04375 and ONR grant N00014-94-1-1182. 2.) Visiting scholar at the University of Michigan, partially supported by DAAD and The University of Michigan.
abstract state machines, recursion, distributed computations, concurrency