JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 3(9): 1023-1036, doi: 10.3217/jucs-003-09-1023
Linear Multisecret-Sharing Schemes and Error-Correcting Codes
expand article infoCunsheng Ding, Tero Laihonen§, Ari Renvall§
‡ Dept of Information Systems & Computer Science; National University of Singapore, Singapore§ Department of Mathematics, University of Turku, Turku, Finland
Open Access
In this paper a characterization of the general relation between linear multisecret-sharing schemes and error-correcting codes is presented. A bridge between linear multisecret-sharing threshold schemes and maximum distance separable codes is set up. The information hierarchy of linear multisecret-sharing schemes is also established. By making use of the bridge several linear multisecret-sharing threshold schemes based on Reed-Solomon codes, generalized Reed-Solomon codes, Bossen-Yau redundant residue codes are described, which can detect and correct cheatings. The relations between linear multisecret-sharing threshold schemes and some threshold schemes for single-secret sharing are pointed out.
Cryptosystems, error-correcting codes, information theory.