JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 4(1): 2-10, doi: 10.3217/jucs-004-01-0002
Dynamical Control of Computations Using the Trapezoidal and Simpson's Rules
expand article infoJean-Marie Chesneaux, Fabienne Jézéquel
‡ LIP6 Laboratory, Pierre et Marie Curie University, France
Open Access
If In is the approximation of a definite integral with step using the trapezoidal rule (respectively Simpson's rule), if Ca,b denotes the number of significant digits common to a and b, we show, in this paper, that According to the previous theorems, using the CADNA library which allows on computers to estimate the round-off error effect on any computed result, we can compute dynamically the optimal value of n to approximate I and we are sure that the exact significant digits of In are in common with the significant digits of I.
numerical validation, quadrature methods, trapezoidal rule, Simpson's rule