JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 5(6): 339-365, doi: 10.3217/jucs-005-06-0339
Improving Inter-Organizational Processes with Integrated Organization and Technology Development
expand article infoVolker Wulf, Matthias Krings, Oliver Stiemerling, Giulio Iacucci§, Martin Maidhof§, Ralph Peters§, Paul Fuchs-Fronhofen|, Bernhard Nett|, Joachim Hinrichs
‡ Universität Bonn, Institut für Informatik III, Projektbereich ProSEC, Bonn, Germany§ Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung (IGD), Darmstadt, Germany| MA&T GmbH, Aachen, Germany¶ Universität Bremen, Fachbereich Mathematik/Informatik, Bremen, Germany
Open Access
The goal of the ORGTECH-project is to improve the cooperation between two engineering offices on the one hand, and a major German steel mill, on the other. An integrated change process has been initiated which combines the introduction of a groupware application with methods of organization development. This change process draws on the framework of Integrated Organization and Technology Development which is presented first. Then we describe its application in the ORGTECH project. The results of the first project phase are presented and discussed.
groupware, organization and technology development, tailoring, requirements analysis, concurrent engineering