JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 5(9): 494-507, doi: 10.3217/jucs-005-09-0494
Communicating Stream X-Machines Systems are no more than X-Machines
Tudor Balanescu‡,
Anthony J. Cowling§,
Horia Georgescu|,
Marian Gheorghe‡,
Mike Holcombe§,
Cristina Vertan¶‡ Faculty of Sciences, Pitesti University, Romania§ Department of Computer Science, Sheffield University, United Kingdom| Faculty of Mathematics, Bucharest University, Bucharest, Romania¶ Faculty of Mathematics, Bucharest University, Romania
Corresponding author:
Tudor Balanescu
© Tudor Balanescu, Anthony Cowling, Horia Georgescu, Marian Gheorghe, Mike Holcombe, Cristina Vertan. Citation:
Balanescu T, Cowling AJ, Georgescu H, Gheorghe M, Holcombe M, Vertan C (1999) Communicating Stream X-Machines Systems are no more than X-Machines. JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 5(9): 494-507. https://doi.org/10.3217/jucs-005-09-0494 |  |
AbstractA version of the communicating stream X-machine model is proposed, which gives a precise representation of the operation of transferring data from one X-machine to another. For this model it is shown that systems of communicating X-machines have the same computational power as single stream X-machines. This enable existing methods for deriving test strategies for stream X-machines to be extended to communicating stream X-machines.
Keywordscommunicating Stream X-machines system, testing, communicating matrix, processing states, communicating states, software specification language