JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 8(2): 292-296, doi: 10.3217/jucs-008-02-0292
Bridging Two Hierarchies of Infinite Words
expand article infoSolomon Marcus
‡ Romanian Academy, Mathematics Calea Victoriei 125, Bucharest, Romania
Open Access
Infinite words on a finite non-empty alphabet have been investigated in various respects. We will consider here two important strategies in approaching such words; one of them proceeds from particular to general, while the other proceeds from general to particular. As we shall see, the respective hierarchies don’t interfer. There is between them an empty space waiting for investigation. 1.) C. S. Calude, K. Salomaa, S. Yu (eds.). Advances and Trends in Automata and Formal Languages. A Collection of Papers in Honour of the 60th Birthday of Helmut Jürgensen.
ultimately periodic infinite, uniformly recurrent, disjunctive, random infinite words