JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 8(5): 456-481, doi: 10.3217/jucs-008-05-0456
The New Mobility of Our Society Caused by Telecommunications
expand article infoJohann Günther
‡ Danube University Krems, Austria
Open Access
People have always been mobile. In the Middle Ages, masses moved because of pilgrimages. Today, these masses are called holiday travellers. People have never been more mobile than today. Because of increasing prosperity and the abolishment of many borders in Europe, "freedom" has become a new symbol. Freedom causes movement. We have yet to overcome the borders of the countries behind the former Iron Curtain. Our economy needed the division of labour, and therefore more mobility for goods and managers. Moreover, liberalised markets brought about the "global village". In the 21st century, the global economy will be dominated by three key industries: Telecommunications Information Technology and Tourism Changes in technologies and generations are common developments. Old styles are replaced by new ones. New technologies are replacing old ones. Telecommunications and Information Technology have propelled us into what we call the Information Society. More than 50 percent of employees in developed countries are working with information. The Information Society did not only bring about change. Its instruments also helped us to become more mobile. Mobility is nothing new for people. We can now lead nomadic lives without being accountable to the state.
mobility, telecommunication, Internet, information society, information technology