JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 9(7): 581-591, doi: 10.3217/jucs-009-07-0581
The Strong Effects of the Soft Factors of Knowledge Management
expand article infoTomas Bohinc, Strausie Markham
‡ T-Systems International, Germany
Open Access
Knowledge culture is one aspect in corporate culture. It describes, how knowledge is identified, acquired, developed, distributed, used and retained. There are tree levels with which the culture can be described: basic underlying assumptions, norms and values, artifacts. Based on this description it is possible to analyse the current culture and define measures to change it towards a more knowledge oriented culture. A survey on the wm03 had shown, that in most organization still exist an overlap or an ambivalence which is characterized by non-knowledge-oriented culture elements. For the change of culture the tools that are developed for cultural change must be adapted for the specific needs of knowledge cultural change.
knowledge management, corporate culture, leadership