JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 9(8): 851-872, doi: 10.3217/jucs-009-08-0851
Dependently Typed Pattern Matching
expand article infoHongwei Xi
‡ Computer Science Department Boston University, Boston, MA, United States of America
Open Access
The mechanism for declaring datatypes to model data structures in programming languages such as Standard ML and Haskell can offer both convenience in programming and clarity in code. With the introduction of dependent datatypes in DML, the programmer can model data structures with more accuracy, thus capturing more program invariants. In this paper, we study some practical aspects of dependent datatypes that affect both type-checking and compiling pattern matching. The results, which have already been tested, demonstrate that dependent datatype can not only o#er various programming benefits but also lead to performance gains, yielding a concrete case where safer programs run faster.
dependent types, pattern matching, DML