JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 12(1): 59-79, doi: 10.3217/jucs-012-01-0059
The Impact of Behavioral Monitoring Technology on the Provision of Health Care in the Home
expand article infoAnthony P. Glascock, David M. Kutzik
‡ Drexel University, United States of America
Open Access
The lack of appropriate and accurate information on the ability of a frail individual to accomplish specific task oriented activities can place the individual at risk or result in the allocation of costly and unnecessary care. Although there have been previous attempts to use computer technology to obtain this information, they have proved to be costly and complex and therefore not widely used. However, a behavioral monitoring technology, based on smart-home and telemedicine applications, has been developed that obtains more accurate and timely information on the ability of frail individuals to accomplish specific tasks in their own residences than any other existing method. During a twelve month pilot study, this system has been used by care providers to assess the status of their clients, respond to immediate needs and alter overall care plans, thus resulting in better care and greater peace of mind for the individual.
smart-home technology, telemedicine, behavioral monitoring, care provision, web-based services