JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 12(9): 1154-1164, doi: 10.3217/jucs-012-09-1154
Developing on Exact Quality and Classification System for Plant Improvement
József Berke‡,
Zsolt Polgar§,
Zoltán Horváth‡,
Tamás Nagy| ‡ University of Veszprém, Hungary§ Potato Research Centre, Centre of Agricultural Sciences, University of Pannonia, Keszthely, Hungary| Hexium Ltd., Hungary
Corresponding author:
József Berke
© József Berke, Zsolt Polgar, Zoltán Horváth, Tamás Nagy. Citation:
Berke J, Polgar Z, Horváth Z, Nagy T (2006) Developing on Exact Quality and Classification System for Plant Improvement. JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 12(9): 1154-1164. https://doi.org/10.3217/jucs-012-09-1154 | |
AbstractOn the field of potato research and breeding, there are several possibilities for the application of modern digital image processing and data collection/analysing techniques. One of the most obvious methods is the multi/hyper spectral analysis. In our experiments research were done in the visible as well as in the infra, near infra and thermal wavelength. For more advanced analysis we developed a multi/hyper-spectral analysis method (spectral fractal dimension measurement and application). In the following we summarize its basic elements and the developed integrated information system of potato research and breeding.
Keywordsimage classification, fractal dimension, plant improvement, thermovision, potato breeding and qualification