JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 13(6): 721-736, doi: 10.3217/jucs-013-06-0721
Logic Programming for Verification of Object-Oriented Programming Law Conditions
expand article infoLeandro De Freitas, Marcel Caraciolo, Márcio Cornélio
‡ Universidade de Pernambuco, Brazil
Open Access
Programming laws are a means of stating properties of programming con-structs and resoning about programs. Also, they can be viewed as a program transformation tool, being useful to restructure object-oriented programs. Usually the appli-cation of a programming law is only allowed under the satisfaction of side-conditions. In this work, we present how the conditions associated to object-oriented program-ming laws are checked by using Prolog. This is a step towards a tool that allows user definable refactorings based on the application of programming laws.
refactoring, logic programming, programming law conditions