JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 13(7): 970-979, doi: 10.3217/jucs-013-07-0970
Improving LO Quality through Instructional Design Based on an Ontological Model and Metadata
expand article infoErla M. Morales, Francisco J. García-Peñalvo§, Ángela Barrón
‡ University of Salamanca, Spain§ University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
Open Access
The activities developed in this paper were aimed at providing an awareness of the elements that should be considered in quality learning objects instructional design for e-learning systems. We thus propose our own LO definition taking into account aggregation level number 2. On this basis, we analyze cognitive theories for promoting learning and we explain issues relating to the LO characteristics that help to improve their quality for suitable management. To achieve this we propose an instructional design based on an ontological model which explains the relationship between the instructional design elements and a specific classification to improve their management.
learning objects, instructional design, ontology, quality