JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 14(5): 625-641, doi: 10.3217/jucs-014-05-0625
Passive Estimation of Quality of Experience
expand article infoDenis Collange, Jean-Laurent Costeux
‡ Orange Labs, Sophia Antipolis, France
Open Access
Quality of Experience (QoE) is a promising method to take into account the users' needs in design ing, monitoring and manag ing networks. However, there is a challenge in finding a quick and simple way to estimate th e QoE due to the diversity of needs , habits and customs. We propose a new empirical method to approximate it automatically from passive network measurements and we compare its pros and cons with usual techniques. We apply it, as an example , on ADSL traffic traces to estimate the QoE dependence on the loss rate for the most used applications . We analyze more precisely the correlations between packet losses and some traffic characteristics of TCP connections, the duration, the sizes and the inter-arrival. We define different thresholds on the loss rate for network management. A nd we propose a notion of sensitiveness to compare these correlations on different applications.
quality of experience, passive performance measurements, internet performance, end-to-end performance, user behaviour, traffic analysis