JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 14(5): 653-672, doi: 10.3217/jucs-014-05-0653
Cost Model for Bitstream Access Services with QoS Parameters
expand article infoLaura Rodríguez De Lope, Klaus D. Hackbarth
‡ University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain
Open Access
The European Regulator Gr oup (ERG) defines Bitstream Access Service as a wholesale service offered by a broadband network operator with significant market power to an Internet Service Provider , and identifies it as a market subje ct to regulation. This paper develops a cost model f or the Bitstream Access Service under xDSL technology, following the recommendations of the ERG , considering different user classes with differentiated QoS requirements. For this purpose, three traffic engineering methods are analysed: separate virtual tunnels, over-engineering and priority queuing techniques.
cost model, TELRIC, quality of service, bitstream access service, over-engineering, priority queuing