JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 15(3): 665-677, doi: 10.3217/jucs-015-03-0665
Knowledge Sharing and Collaborative Learning in Second Life: A Classification of Virtual 3D Group Interaction Scripts
expand article infoAndreas Schmeil, Martin J. Eppler
‡ University of Lugano, Lugano, Switzerland
Open Access
In this paper we propose a classification and systematic description structure based on the pattern paradigm for interaction scripts in Second Life that aim at facilitating on the one side knowledge sharing and knowledge integration in groups, and on the other side knowledge creation in formal and informal ways. We present 13 examples of interaction patterns, a description structure to formalize them, and classify them into four classes according to their design effort and added value. Based on this classification we distinguish among sophisticated 3D collaboration patterns, seamless patterns, decorative patterns, and pseudo patterns.
collaboration patterns, online collaboration, knowledge sharing, virtual worlds, MUVE, Second Life