JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 16(3): 341-371, doi: 10.3217/jucs-016-03-0341
Enabling Personal Privacy for Pervasive Computing Environments
expand article infoSusana Alcalde Bagüés, Andreas Zeidler, Cornel Klein, Carlos Fernandez Valdivielso§, Ignacio R. Matias§
‡ Siemens AG, Munich, Germany§ Public University of Navarra, Navarra, Spain
Open Access
Protection of personal data in the Internet is already a challenge today. Users have toactively look up privacy policies of websites and decide whether they can live with the terms of use. Once discovered, they are forced to make a "`take or leave"' decision. In future living andworking environments, where sensors and context-aware services are pervasive, this becomes an even greater challenge and annoyance. The environment is much more personalized and userscannot just "`leave"'. They require measures to prevent, avoid and detect misuse of sensitive data, as well as to be able to negotiate the purpose of use of data. We present a novel modelof privacy protection, complementing the notion of enterprise privacy with the incorporation of personal privacy towards a holistic privacy management system. Our approach allows non-expertusers not only to negotiate the desired level of privacy in a rather automated and simple way, but also to track and monitor the whole life-cycle of data.
personal privacy, pervasive computing, privacy architecture, user manageability