JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 17(12): 1673-1689, doi: 10.3217/jucs-017-12-1673
360° Open Creativity Support
expand article infoMichele Brocco, Florian Forster, Marc René Frieß
‡ Technische Universität München, München, Germany
Open Access
Open Innovation is a new paradigm that suggests including actors from inside as well as outside a company's boundaries in the innovation process. Open creativity refers to the creative phase in this process. In this article we investigate on open creativity support. We conducted interviews within companies in the German ICT sector to analyze the status quo of open creativity and the tools currently used to support it. In a second step we derive design guidelines and an architecture for IT systems supporting open creativity that lead to a holistic, 360ffi support for open creativity.
open creativity, creativity support systems, open innovation