JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science 20(5) (2014)
Software Components, Architectures and Reuse: Software Product Line Engineering and Source Code Enhancements
Marcelo Fantinato, Uira Kulesza, Flavio Oquendo
Unique: 496 | Total: 638
| Access Period:
Unique: 747 | Total: 996
| Access Period:
Unique: 767 | Total: 1031
| Access Period:
Unique: 816 | Total: 1099
| Access Period:
Unique: 952 | Total: 1319
| Access Period:
Unique: 704 | Total: 926
| Access Period:
Unique: 692 | Total: 939
| Access Period:
Unique: 772 | Total: 1046
| Access Period:
Unique: 651 | Total: 842
| Access Period:
Unique: 916 | Total: 1184
| Access Period: