
Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS) is a high-quality periodical and has been appearing in digital form without interruption since 1995. Until 2019, the annual volumes were also published in printed form. The journal deals with all research areas of computer science, based on the ACM Computing Classification System categories including general literature, hardware, software, computer systems organization, theory of computation, information systems, mathematics of computing, data and data science, computing methodologies, computer applications, science and technology of learning, and knowledge management.

The journal accepts research articles covering novel research in all topics of computer science, and its peer reviewed articles appear in monthly Regular Issues and Special Issues on selected topics organized by guest editors. Thus, J.UCS serves as one of the major knowledge bases for the international research community in computer science over decades until today.

J.UCS appears online under ISSN numbers, and all articles are linked to unique DOIs. The issues are published monthly as parts of annual volumes. The earlier J.UCS volumes 1-25 also appeared in printed form under ISSN and ISBN numbers.



Regular Issues

  • Submissions total: 755
  • Submissions accepted for review: 129
  • Number of Reviews requested: 213
  • Number of Reviews received: 183
  • Papers accepted for publication: 24
  • Avg. turnaround from submission to first decision: 113 days
  • Avg. turnaround from submission to publication: 285 days
  • Number of regular issues: 6

Special Issues

  • Submissions accepted for review: 125
  • Paper accepted for publication: 40
  • Number of special issues: 6


Regular Issues

  • Submissions total: 830
  • Submissions accepted for review: 99
  • Number of Reviews requested: 444
  • Number of Reviews received: 395
  • Papers accepted for publication: 44
  • Avg. turnaround from submission to first decision: 98 days
  • Avg. turnaround from submission to publication: 267 days
  • Number of regular issues: 10

Special Issues

  • Submissions accepted for review: 75
  • Paper accepted for publication: 13
  • Number of special issues: 2


Regular Issues

  • Submissions total: 1116
  • Submissions accepted for review: 96
  • Number of Reviews requested: 528
  • Number of Reviews received: 423
  • Papers accepted for publication: 88
  • Avg. turnaround from submission to first decision: 75 days
  • Avg. turnaround from submission to publication: 304 days
  • Number of regular issues: 11

Special Issues

  • Submissions accepted for review: 20
  • Paper accepted for publication: 8
  • Number of special issues: 1


Review Process and Acceptance Rate

J.UCS aims on high-quality reviews and supportive peer comments for authors’ guidance. The journal follows a single-blind peer review approach and all articles undergo at least 2 independent reviews by distinguished computer scientists. Manuscripts for Regular Issues are reviewed by experts in the fields from a pool of more than 210 senior experts from the editorial board.

The quality assurance of Special Issues is twofold: Proposals for Special Issues organized by guest editors are thoroughly assessed by a panel of distinguished experts. Each of the submitted manuscripts of the Special Issue is reviewed by the guest editorial board and is scrutinized by J.UCS Publishing Team. Thus, all accepted articles and Special Issues serve as a knowledge base which documents, connects and reflects novel aspects of computer science.

Plagiarism checks for each submitted manuscript and for the final copy-edited versions will be performed.

Please find the current information on the average acceptance rate per year and the average duration of the review process until the first editorial decision in the table on our landing page.

Open Access Policy

Creating open content for the international community has been a main aim of J.UCS’ initiators and managing editors-in-chief since its foundation. Based on a pioneering publishing policy already in the mid-1990s, J.UCS’ articles have been freely available under the J.UCS Open Content License. At the beginning of 2020, J.UCS has changed its license to the Creative Commons License CC BY-ND 4.0. In order to follow the current best practice standard in open access publishing, J.UCS has finally changed its license to the Creative Commons License CC BY 4.0 at the beginning of 2025.

Further information can be found in the section below.

License and Copyright Agreement

In submitting a manuscript to J.UCS hosted by Pensoft Inc., authors certify that:

  • They are authorized by their co-authors to enter into these arrangements.
  • They agree to J.UCS' Self-archiving Policy
  • They agree to J.UCS’ Submission and Publishing Guidelines
  • Specifically, they submit novel and unpublished articles and secure the right to reproduce any material that has already been published or copyrighted elsewhere, such as figures.


  • Copyright on any article is retained by the author(s).
  • Authors grant J.UCS the license to publish and distribute the article within the journal's networks in electronic and print version, and allows the indexing in other services.
  • The article and any associated published materials are distributed under the Creative Commons License CC BY 4.0.

The CC BY 4.0 license allows anyone to 

  1. Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially.
  2. Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the following license terms:

  1. Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  2. No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Copyright Transfers

Any usage rights are regulated through the Creative Commons License CC BY 4.0. For any purposes anyone is free to copy and distribute the article as long as the original author is credited and no additional restrictions are implemented (see above).

Self-archiving Policy

Details can be found in the Self-archiving Policy section below.

Publication Ethics

Policy on Authorship and Contributorship

J.UCS expects accurate attribution of authorship, and it is the responsibility of co-authors of an article to make sure that all contributions are fairly acknowledged. Ghost authorship (contribution of no-named authors) or git authorship (named co-authors with no or little contribution) is considered as unethical and will not be tolerated. Also dual submissions or even publication of the same research or parts as well as plagiarism will not be tolerated, and services are in place to technical and organizational check such violations.

In the case of disputes over authorship or requests to change authorship or evidence of plagiarism or data fabrication, the J.UCS editorial team (office@jucs.org) may be contacted directly, and a panel headed by the editor-in-chief will deal with the request. If violations are identified, the authors will be contacted to state their position and provide an explanation, if this is not satisfactory, the authors' institutions will be informed of the facts.

Refer also to Governance and Roles, Author Guidelines and Review Policy.

Data Sharing and Reproducibility

J.UCS is not only highly committed to open and free content of knowledge, it also strongly supports and encourages open access of data and the applied methods and algorithms. For details please refer to the Open Data and Open Source section

Post-publication Discussions and Corrections

J.UCS platform allows to comment and discuss every article, and the authors can also be contacted directly.

In case of any errors, issues with authorships or plagiarism, anyone can contact the J.UCS editorial team (office@jucs.org) directly, and a panel headed by the editor-in-chief will deal with the request.

Policy on Conflicts of Interest / Competing Interests


Such conflicts for authors exist when their objective behaviour or judgment in the research may be influenced or biased. Possible sources of issues include the following and must be disclosed in the acknowledgement section and/or in the metadata section during the submission process:

  • Any research funders or sponsors and their role in the research
  • All financial and in-kind support including equipment or other resources
  • Any other relevant relationships or interests (financial and non-financial)

For further details also refer to Author Guidelines


Potential conflicts of interest arise when there are or have been past collaborations between the authors and reviewers or other members in the same laboratories. Such conflicts of interest or even competing interests must be prompted without any delay, and reviews cannot be completed. Organizers of guest editorials cannot manage article reviews in which they are involved as co-authors.

For detailed information refer to the review policy and decision taking

Editorial Team

Members of the editorial team are required by their role to declare competing or conflicting interests at all times. For the role of the managing editor-in-chief the steering committee is responsible and takes any decision or delegates activities to other roles. All other conflicts of interests are handled by the managing editor-in-chief.

For more details refer also to Governance and Roles

Peer review and editing process

During the course of the submission, review and editing process, editorial team and reviewers are responsible for fair process steps and guarantee independent decisions. The steering committee has the right to review the processes and suggest improvements.

J.UCS expects all those involved in the submission and review process to treat the content and results of submissions and reviews as confidential.

For detailed information refer to the review policy and decision taking

Research Ethics

J.UCS is committed to and supports the highest standards of research and reporting in the articles. This includes ensuring that reported research or studies are conducted in a fair and unbiased manner with the highest standards and follow state-of-the-art processes in the field or subfield, and that ethical approvals are applied where applicable. All research must use anonymised and synthesised data, and we also encourage providing data and methods for reproducibility and comparability, see also Open Data and Open Source section and Data Sharing and Reproducibility above.

Complaints and Appeals Handling

In case of any errors, issues with authorships or plagiarism, anyone can contact the J.UCS editorial team (office@jucs.org) directly, and a panel headed by the editor-in-chief will deal with the request.

Publication Fees and Operation Costs

In order to focus solely on scientific quality and to guarantee highest independence, J.UCS follows a free-of-charge policy for both authors and readers. Thus, operation and publication costs have been covered by the J.UCS Consortium from 2012 to 2024. From the beginning of 2025, the costs will be covered by the KOALA initiative initiated by the TIB (Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology, University Library, Hannover, Germany). Special Issue organizers contribute to these operation and publication costs by a fee for each published Special Issue requiring funding from external sources rather than from the special issue contributors.

Operation costs include journal platform and infrastructure, publishing management as well as costs for archiving the online and printed versions. All review activities and editor-in-chief activities are honorary as part of community support, and will not be compensated by stipends or other benefits.

Archiving and Indexing

J.UCS is archived and indexed in all main archiving and indexing systems relevant for the computer science community, and thus guarantees a high visibility and maximum reach for all articles, authors, guest editors and partners.

Since 1995, J.UCS’ printed volumes are archived in several libraries, such as the Austrian National Library. All online issues and articles will be accessible on J.UCS’ online platform and be integrated in long-term archives, such as CLOCKSS, Zenodo, Portico.

As of 2020, J.UCS is indexed by DOAJ, Crossref, DBLP Computer Science Bibliography Server, Google Scholar, MathSciNet and Mathematical Reviews, Microsoft Academic Search, Scopus, Web of Science.

According to the 2022 JCR, the impact factor of our journal is 1.0. The 5-year impact factor is 1.0. The growing interest of the research community is also reflected by an increasing number of submissions and proposals for Special Issues as well as an increasing number of access, which is more than 115 thousand unique visits and over 64 thousand PDF downloads per year.

Governance and Roles

All scientific activities in the journal’s boards and panels and roles of J.UCS’ partners are subject of ethical and scientific reviews in line with the journal’s policy and quality measures and will be evaluated by scientific boards.

Learn more about J.UCS’ organizational structure at J.UCS Governance and Roles.

Privacy Statement

The personal information used on this website is to be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal. It will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Funding and Support

Funding, Support and Collaboration Partners

TIB (Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology University Library, Hannover, Germany) - KOALA Computer Science and Mathematics 2025-2027 Cluster

Collaboration and Support

  • Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria
  • Library and Archives TU Graz, Graz, Austria
  • Internet Studio Isser, Graz, Austria
  • Photographer Christian Trummer, Graz, Austria

Support J.UCS

There is still an opportunity to join the KOALA initiative initiated by the TIB (Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology University Library, Hannover, Germany) and participate in the funding of the KOALA Computer Science and Mathematics 2025-2027 Cluster, of which J.UCS is a part. More information can be found here.

Please feel also free to contact us by email to office (at) jucs (dot) org if you and your organization are interested to support J.UCS via the KOALA initiative.

History of J.UCS

Already in 1993 J.UCS was initiated by (in alphabetical order) Cris Calude from University of Auckland, Hermann Maurer from Graz University of Technology and Arto Salomaa from the University of Turku. Those three are referred to as the founders of the journal. J.UCS was implemented and then operated for more than 30 years at Graz University of Technology. The founders felt that an electronic journal with a yearly archival version in print and incorporating novel technical and organizational aspects was possible and achievable by emerging technologies at that time.

The founders also decided to establish a new review system which builds on a large number (more than 200) of high-quality professionals to become member of the editorial board of J.UCS. The review process follows the opt-in approach, thus abstracts of papers submitted are sent to all members of the editorial board and reviewers can sign-up to review and write a report within 6 weeks in average. This approach attracts reviewers interested in the article’s topics as well as it indicates their potential availability within the time frame and relevance of the proposed research article.

The growing interest and workload have caused changes of the initial concept by involving two further institutions. By mid-2011, the three institutions Graz University of Technology, the Austrian Competence Center for Knowledge Management and the University Malaysia Sarawak – had shared together the increasing number of activities.

For a long-term sustainability, the J.UCS Consortium has been established by Hermann Maurer in 2012 and further supporting institutions have joined in. Each such institution contributed to J.UCS in cash or in kind, had a seat in the board of the J.UCS Consortium and was allowed to send one representative as Editor-in-Chief. This decision has been proven successful to fund and operate the journal and guaranty free access for readers and free-of-charge publishing for authors from 2012 until the end of 2024.

Further improvements to increase the quality and impact factors have been applied over the course of the following years by the Managing Editor-in-Chief Christian Gütl. Since the first issues in 2020, J.UCS is truly open and content can be accessed under the Creative Commons License CC BY-ND 4.0. After more than 25 years of hosting the journal at Graz University of Technology, it has been decided to host the journal on an external open content platform and state-of-the-art publishing system starting with the first issues in 2021. This includes also long-term archiving of the journal by several long-term archiving systems, integration of a reviewer recognition system and social media platforms.

From 2025, J.UCS will be funded as part of the KOALA Computer Science and Mathematics 2025-2027 Cluster by the KOALA initiative initiated by the TIB (Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology University Library, Hannover, Germany). In order to follow the current best practice standard in open access publishing, J.UCS also changes its content license to the Creative Commons License CC BY 4.0.

Author Guidelines


The Journal of Universal Computer Science welcomes original research contributions and in-depth surveys from all areas of computer science (see also List of Topics). Contributors can benefit from J.UCS’ long history of quality open access publications for more than 25 years and its well-established brand within the research community. There are no submission or publication fees for authors!

Since J.UCS is an open access, no-cost journal, the J.UCS Publishing Team cannot offer any copy-editing. Therefore, your submission will only be dealt with if your paper is written in flawless English and is formatted according to the J.UCS Style Guide. Please follow carefully the Submission Guidelines.

Please find the current information on the average acceptance rate per year and the average duration of the review process until the first editorial decision in the table on our landing page.

Submission and Publishing Guidelines

The Journal of Universal Computer Science accepts high-quality, original research articles from all areas of computer science.

Before submitting an article, please make sure that the submitted article:

  1. fits into the scope of J.UCS (refer to List of Topics) and meets the general standards of scientific publication ethics
  2. is formatted according to the J.UCS Style Guide
  3. is written in flawless English. Since J.UCS is an open access, no-cost journal, the J.UCS Publishing Team cannot offer any copy-editing.
  4. is an original contribution and may not be submitted to or already have been published in another journal. Furthermore, the article has to be a self-contained entity, i.e. the paper can be understood without knowledge of any previous articles published in J.UCS or elsewhere. The maximal length of a paper is 20 - 25 pages.
  5. If the submitted article is an extended version of a paper published in proceedings originally presented at a conference or a workshop, the submission must contain about 50% new material and the title of the extended version must clearly and unmistakably differ from the title of the article presented at the conference.

If your article meets all five criteria, the submission process can be initiated:

  1. Please use the Submission Platform to submit your paper together with the Publishing Agreement (pdf)/Publishing Agreement (docx). By submitting the article, the corresponding author confirms (on behalf of all co-authors) that the submission fulfils all requirements stated in the Publishing Agreement. There are no submission or publication charges.
  2. Authors of submitted papers give an explicit permission to plagiarism check of their submitted (and accepted) articles.
  3. An author can only submit one article at a time. Multiple submissions are not accepted.

After submission your article enters the review process:

  1. To initiate the single-blind review process the submission is sent to the members of the J.UCS Editorial Board. If at least two reviewers sign up for a review of the paper, the submission is admitted to the evaluation process; one external reviewer can be added in the review process. Thus, we also welcome additional reviewer suggestions as long as they match the criteria for J.UCS’ reviewers, and are not collaborators of the authors (i.e. within the last 5 years they must not have published or worked together in a group or a project).
  2. The authors are notified about the status of their submission within approximately 4 weeks.
  3. If the required number of reviewers is not found within 4 weeks, or the article is rejected with no option to revise it, the authors are notified and can submit their paper to another journal of their choice after the notification.

  4. If the reviewers demand a revision the authors can decide to send an improved version followed by a second round of reviews.

If the first or the revised version is accepted, your paper finally enters the publishing process:

  1. After a final plagiarism check and check of the camera-ready copy of the paper, the article will be published in one of the next J.UCS Regular Issues.
  2. The duration of the entire evaluation and publication process depends on the quality of the submission. From past experience, all articles pass the process in 6 - 12 months from submission to publication.

Publication Fees

J.UCS is an open access journal providing free and open access to the journal's articles and also no publication fees from authors will be charged. For further details refer to Publication Fees and Operation Costs.

J.UCS Style Guide

The J.UCS Style Guide has to be followed closely, and it is highly recommended to use the J.UCS template in one of the offered file formats. All required information and files are available here:

J.UCS Style Guide V4

J.UCS Word Template V5

J.UCS LaTeX Template V5

J.UCS LaTeX Template Overleaf


Publishing Agreement

Open access policy has been a main aim of J.UCS’ initiators and managing editors-in-chief since its foundation. As of 2025, J.UCS has changed its license to the Creative Commons License CC BY 4.0.

By submitting the article, the corresponding author confirms (on behalf of all co-authors) that the submission fulfils all requirements stated in the Publishing Agreement.

Please download the Publishing Agreement (pdf)/(docx) in your preferred file format, fill in the form, sign the agreement, and finally transfer a PDF file of the signed agreement together with your submission files.

List of Topics

The Journal of Universal Computer Science’s scope covers all research areas of computer science. To manage the variety of topics authors, reviewers and readers can use a classification schema which is based on the ACM classification (1998); Topics L and M were added to reflect the development of the computer science discipline. We acknowledge the kind permission of ACM to use their classification system.

The main categories of the classification schema are organized as follows:

  • Topic A - General Literature
  • Topic B - Hardware
  • Topic C - Computer Systems Organization
  • Topic D - Software
  • Topic E - Data
  • Topic F - Theory of Computation
  • Topic G - Mathematics of Computing
  • Topic H - Information Systems
  • Topic I - Computing Methodologies
  • Topic J - Computer Applications
  • Topic K - Computer Milieux
  • Topic L - Science and Technology of Learning
  • Topic M - Knowledge Management


Subclasses of the schema can be reviewed and selected during the submission process.

Open Data and Open Source

J.UCS strongly encourages and the platform supports various strategies and methods for open access of data and your applied methods and algorithms. Thus, open data and open source publications can be attached to your article. This increases the visibility of your research and also enables other to compare their approaches and reproduce your research.

There are basically two options: (a) preferably, data sets provided as open data and software code available as open source can be stored in recognised data repositories and link back to the data set(s) and the software in the respective article. (b) Data and software documenting algorithms can also be published as supplementary files to the articles.

Authors must make sure that they have the rights to publish the data set(s), are anonymized and are available under an open data license. By default, such data will be published under the Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-By). Alternative data publishing licenses are: Creative Commons CC-Zero Waiver (CC-0) and Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License.

For documenting and sharing algorithms and approaches, authors can share their code. They must make sure that they do not violate any copy rights, have the rights to publish the code under an Open Source License.

Self-archiving Policy

J.UCS authors may self-archive metadata or versions of their work on their own webpages, on institutional webpages, and in other repositories.

Metadata, Abstract and Citation Information
Authors can make available metadata, abstract and citation information on social media, their own or institutional webpages. If possible, a link, preferably the DOI hyperlink, must be provided.

Preprint Versions
Authors can make their preprint versions (original or accepted version) available in their own or institutional websites as well as in (pre-print) archives together with a reference and hyperlink (preferable DOI link) to the published version.

CC BY-ND Published Versions
Authors may share and distribute their published articles unchanged on non-commercial websites and repositories.

CC BY Published Versions

Authors may share, adapt and distribute their published articles on commercial and non-commercial websites and repositories.

Review Guidelines

Review Policy

The aim of the review process is to produce high quality and detailed feedback on the submitted article that provides polite and helpful comments and suggestions for improvements for the authors and a solid base for fair and transparent decisions for the publishing team.

Each submitted article that fulfills the formal criteria undergoes a thorough evaluation by at least 2 reviewers. In case there are great differences or strong contradicting opinions, another reviewer can be included.

The review approach is based on an opt-in procedure i.e. the articles are sent to the entire editorial board and interested reviewers who are experts in the subject area of the article then contact us for a review. For each article under review, one external reviewer, usually one of the external experts suggested by the authors, can be assigned.

The qualification as reviewer, either as an editorial board member or as an external reviewer, follows well-defined quality standards. Editorial board members will be selected by a scientific panel and are usually affiliated as full or associated professors or senior researchers. External reviewers must have at least a PhD degree and a proven publication record in the research field of the article under review.

Reviewers must not have any conflict of interest accepting and administering the evaluation. In particular reviewers must not have published or collaborated with any of the authors within the last 5 years.

Article Categories

J.UCS focuses solely on sound and novel research articles, however, the journal welcomes two sub-categories: original research contributions and in-depth surveys.

(a) Research contributions: This is the main focus of J.UCS, the majority of papers will be in this area. Papers should be accepted only if they contain innovative aspects that are sufficiently discussed in context of state-of-the-art and related work. Contributions addressed may include new or improved methods and algorithms, results and findings in application domains, and studies and evaluations.

(b) In-depth Surveys: This sub-section addresses comprehensive literature surveys covering novel findings by sound research methodologies. In addition, such contributions are judged on whether they are well written and structured, and give an unbiased and complete survey which contributes to the body of knowledge for a broader community in the field.

Evaluation Report

Each reviewer submits their own evaluation report. The aim of the report is to provide high quality and detailed feedback on the submitted article. The comments on the report are also the base for the evaluation score and must be correlating with the Evaluation Scale.

The evaluation report should include the following aspects and provide polite and helpful comments and suggestions for improvements.

  • Brief summary of the submitted article
  • Appropriateness of scope for the journal and main contribution
  • Structure and clarity of writing
  • Content and length of abstract
  • Appropriateness of related background, and based on it discussion of own contribution
  • Quality and novelty of covered research including methodology and evaluation

In addition, the reviewers should stress if applicable

  • Possible plagiarism issues
  • Potential need for spelling and grammar improvements

Finally, reviewers should state

  • A brief conclusion based on the comments above justifying their evaluation score
  • Private comments for the publishing team

Evaluation Scale

Each reviewer evaluates individually the scientific contribution and other general merits of the submission (depending on the sub-category of the article) on a scale of 0 to 10 (0= reject under all circumstances, 5 very doubtful acceptance, 10= excellent, accept under all circumstances). The evaluation score must correlate with the comments in the Evaluation Report.

Please note: Papers which receive an average of 7 and lower in the first round of evaluation will be rejected. In this case, no revision is possible. Only papers with an average score of 7 and higher and with no score lower than 6 will be admitted to a possible second review round.

0 = absolute reject
1 = very strong reject (several flaws)
2 = strong reject (weak paper)
3= reject (weak paper)
4= weak reject (acceptable with few issues)
5= doubtful accept (borderline)
6= weak accept (o.k. but not ground breaking)
7= accept (solid paper)
8 =strong accept (very solid paper)
9= very strong accept (very good contribution)
10= absolute accept (extraordinary sound  contribution)

Evaluation Results and Procedure

Based on reviewers’ individual assessment (Review Report and Evaluation Score) and the average evaluation score, the J.UCS Publishing Team headed by the Managing-Editor-in-Chief decides on one of the following evaluation results:

  • Accept as is
    The current version of the article is ready for copy editing and the publishing.
  • Accept with minor revisions
    A review of the revised version is not necessary. Authors follow the reviewers’ lists of minor modifications such as corrections of typos, missing references, etc.
  • Accept with major revisions
    A major revision of the article is required based on reviewers’ recommendations. The revised version will be reviewed by at least one reviewer of the original version.
  • Reject
    A revision of the submitted article is not recommended based on the review results

How to Access an Article

Manuscripts can be accessed after login

  1. Login is possible after registration at the journal's website. Our Editorial Office will register all first-time editors and reviewers. New users will receive an automated notification with a request to confirm registration and account information, and options for setting a password, email alerts and other features.  
    Note: All users can use their registration details to login in all three (Book, E-Book and the respective Journal) platforms of www.pensoft.net.
    Note: Please remember that you may have registered with two or more different email addresses, that is why you may have more than one valid account at www.pensoft.net. We advise using only one email address, hence one password associated with it, for all your operations at www.pensoft.net. We highly recommend that, in case the user has two or more different accounts, to merge these through user's profile.  
    Note: Users can at any time change the initially set password and correct personal details using their user's profile menu (by clicking on the user's name in the upper right corner of the screen appearing after login).
  2. If you have forgotten your password, please use the function Forgot your password? or write to request it from journals@pensoft.net.

There are two ways to access a manuscript

  1. After login, please go to the respective journal’s web page and click on My Tasks button in the upper right corner of the screen. This way, you will be able to see all manuscripts you are responsible for as Author or Reviewer or Subject Editor.

    Note: The manuscripts are grouped by categories, e.g., In Review (no.), In layout (no.), Published (no.), and Archived (no.) etc. The number in brackets after each category shows the number of manuscripts assigned to you.

  2. Click on the active manuscript link provided in the email notification you have received from the online editorial system. The link will lead you directly to the manuscript.

Stepwise Description of the Peer Review Process

  1. This journal uses a single-blind peer review process. Notwithstanding with that, the Reviewers are encouraged to disclose their identities, if they wish to do so. 

  2. The Reviewer receives a review request generated by the Subject Editor or the Editorial Office and is expected to either agree to provide a review, or decline, through pressing the Will do the review or Unable to do the review link in the online editorial system. In case the Reviewer agrees to review the manuscript, he/she should submit the review within a certain time frame, which may vary in the different journals.
    Note: The link to the respective manuscript is available in the review request email and all consequent reminder emails. The manuscript is accessible by clicking on the link in the email notification, or after login. Please look at the section How to Access a Manuscript above in case you have any difficulties.

  3. The review should be submitted through the Proceed button. The review should consist of:

  • a simple online questionnaire to be answered by ticking either Yes, No, or N/A;
  • comments addressed to the Author and the Subject Editor in the online form;
  • associated files (corrected/commented manuscript file, review submitted in a separate text file, etc.), if any.

Note: Reviewers can insert corrections and comments in the manuscript review version (PDF) and/or in the manuscript text file (usually Microsoft Word, rarely Open Office file). When working in the PDF, please use either the Text Edits or the Sticky Notes tools (available through the menu Tools -> Comments & Markup of the Acrobat Reader). When editing in Microsoft Word please use the Track Changes / Comments tools.
Note: Associated files should be submitted at the end of the review process by clicking on the Browse button, then selecting the respective file on your computer, and then pressing the Upload button. A Reviewer may upload as many files to support his/her review as needed.

  1. The Reviewer may decide to stay anonymous or open his/her identity by ticking the Show my name to the author(s) box at the bottom of the reviewer’s form. Please be aware that your identity might be revealed in the comments or in Track Changes corrections of the Microsoft Word or PDF file you correct. Therefore, please make sure that you delete your name and initials in the Options section of your Word or PDF processor if you want to remain anonymous.

  2. In addition to the above, by checking a box at the bottom of the submission form, reviewers may opt for making their contribution public in the event that the article is accepted and published. The reviewer's name, affiliation and email address will be displayed next to those of the Academic editor (or Subject editor) on the article webpage.

  3. The review process is completed by selecting a recommendation from five options: (1) Reject; (2) Reject, but resubmission encouraged; (3) Major Revision; (4) Minor Revision; (5) Accept. The system will ask for one more confirmation of the selected recommendation before submission. The submitted review cannot be changed after submission.
    Note: Reasons for rejection can be a low scientific quality, non-conformance to the journal’s style/policies, and/or grammatically poor English language.
    Note: It is also possible for review and associated files (e.g., a corrected manuscript file) to be sent as attached files to the email of the Editorial Office. We strongly recommend avoiding this option, and instead uploading reviews through the online editorial management system.

  4. Once a Reviewer submits a review of a manuscript, he/she receives an acknowledgement email from the journal.

  5. The submission of the review is also automatically reported to Clarivate - Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service (formerly Publons). Reviewers are asked to confirm whether they want their reviews to be recorded on Clarivate.

  6. When all Reviewers have submitted their reviews, the Subject Editor makes a decision to either accept, reject or request further minor/major revision.

  7. After the Subject Editor's decision, the manuscript is sent back to the author for comments and further revision. The Author needs to submit a revised version in due time.

  8. Reviewers are notified via email when the revised version of a manuscript that they have reviewed is submitted by the Author. They receive a link to the revised version along with the editorial decision and all reviews of the manuscript. Reviewers are also provided with a feedback form should they have any comments on the revised version. 

  9. When an article is published, all Reviewers who have provided a review for the respective manuscript receive an email acknowledgment. In the email, there is a link to view/download the published article.

  10. The Reviewer may always access information on the manuscripts that are being / have been reviewed by him/her through the menu My Tasks –> Reviewer on the journal’s web page – In Review (no.), In Edit (no.), Published (no.), and Archived (no.). The number in brackets after each category shows the number of manuscripts that have been assigned to you.

Special Issues

General Information

J.UCS welcomes special issues on any topic that falls within the scope of the journal.
Proposed Special Issues will be reviewed by a scientific panel. Emerging subjects relevant to a broader research community and organized by guest editors with proven publication records and involvement in research networks related to the proposed topic are preferably accepted.

Guidelines for Proposing and Managing a Special Issue

In the following, you'll find the guidelines which apply to the publication of a special issue and which the guest editors are kindly asked to observe:

  1. Guest editors send their proposal (see also below) to the J.UCS Publishing Team (office (at) jucs (dot) org) with the subject "Special Issue Proposal".
  2. Only guest editors who have either published at least one article in J.UCS or who have published at least 7 articles which are listed in either Scopus, Clarivate (formerly Publons) and Google Scholar, or who are members of J.UCS editorial board will be accepted as guest editors. Guest Editors with previous experiences in organizing special issues will be preferably accepted.
  3. Expertise in the proposed topic of the special issue and the participation of guest editors in relevant communities are key to producing a high-quality special issue.
  4. A guest editor can only submit one proposal at a time. A new proposal can only be submitted after the citation frequency of the previous special issue edited by the same guest editor has been evaluated. Lack of citations can lead to a rejection of the proposal.
  5. In addition, all related topics must be covered by the group of reviewers to guarantee high quality reviews and excellent selected papers for the special issue. It is expected that each article will be reviewed by at least 3 experts.
  6. Finally, an appropriate plan for the distribution and promotion of the call for papers is important to attract a large number of contributions from high-quality researchers to ensure the success of the Special Issue.
  7. If the special issue includes extended versions originally presented at a conference or a workshop, a public call for papers must also be made and the issue must contain at least two papers that originate from the public call for papers. The extended version of papers originally presented at a conference or workshop must present substantially new material and the title of the extended version must clearly and unmistakably differ from the title of the article presented at the conference. The conference paper must be considered in the review process and made available together with the reviews of the special issue article.
  8. The papers can only be accepted for publication after a rigorous review process. Each paper must be reviewed by at least 3 reviewers. All three reviews of the accepted papers stating the names of the reviewers and the final versions of the articles must be sent to the J.UCS office for final approval. A summary of the reviews is not accepted. The authors can be informed about the acceptance of their papers only after the decision has been confirmed by the J.UCS office.
  9. All accepted articles will be subjected to a plagiarism check before publication.
  10. As a means to secure and increase the impact factor of the journal, it is expected that the authors consult J.UCS prior to the publication of their articles and quote relevant J.UCS publications in their articles. This measure is in the interest of the authors since it is a contribution to the reputation of the journal.
  11. Only 35% of the authors may originate from one country.
  12. Ideally, guest editors are not involved as author in their own special issue. Exemptional, the involvement in one article is permissible if the submission will also be reviewed by at least one J.UCS editorial board member
  13. Each author may publish only two papers in one issue (as sole author or co-author).
  14. A special issue may contain a maximum of 8 papers.
  15. The length of a paper may be between 20 - 25 pages.
  16. The guest editors inform on a regular basis the J.UCS office about the progress of the preparations as well as the number of submitted, rejected and accepted papers.
  17. The guest editors take care of the review process so that only final versions are sent to the J.UCS office. The final versions of the papers must be submitted in J.UCS style.
  18. The authors must sign a publishing agreement for their papers.
  19. The guest editor provides an introduction to the issue (at least one page long).
  20. The guest editors vouch with their names and academic reputation for the quality of the papers.

Special Issue Proposal

The special issue proposal must be based on the J.UCS Special Issue Proposal template and include the following information:

  • Focus and motivation for the special issue: The focus and the motivation for the proposed special issue must be outlined. In addition, the relevance to a broader community, especially the J.UCS community, must be clarified.
  • List of related topics: The most important topics related to the proposed special issue must be listed.
  • Guest editors: A short biography of the guest editors, focusing on their expertise in the proposed topic and involvement in relevant communities, must be included. References to Scopus, Clarivate (formerly Publons), and Google Scholar should be added.
  • Deadlines: An appropriate schedule of key deadlines, including paper submission, notification of acceptance, etc., must be outlined.
  • List of reviewers: A preliminary list of reviewers for the special issue (names, links to their homepages and areas of expertise) is required. It is mandatory that all related topics of the issue are covered by the group of reviewers. It is assumed that the reviewers have already been invited and partially accepted before the submission of the proposal.
  • Distribution and promotion: A plan for the distribution and promotion of the special issue call and how to attract high quality submissions must be attached.
  • Draft call for papers: A call for papers (which is a modified version of the proposal) must be submitted together with the proposal.

Please download the Special Issue Proposal Template (docx)/(odt) and the Call for Papers Template (docx)/(odt) in your preferred file format, follow the guidelines and fill in the form.

Call for Papers

Only special issues listed at the J.UCS website have been approved by the J.UCS review panel.

  • "Hybrid-Augmented Intelligent Systems: New Trends and Applications" 
    Guest Editors: Luis Martínez López, University of Jáen, Spain, Rosa Mª Rodríguez Domínguez, University of Jáen, Spain, Kiril Tenekedjiev, University of Tasmania, Australia.
    > Call for Papers
    Submissions Deadline: 30 January 2024.

  • "Advances in Imitation Learning and Inverse Reinforcement Learning"
    Guest Editors: Andrea Pozzi, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Brescia, Italy, Mauro Iacono University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Napoli et al., Italy, Enrico Barbierato, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Brescia, Italy, Daniele Toti, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Brescia, Italy, Alessandro Incremona, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy.
    > Call for Papers
    Submission Deadline: 31 March 2024.
  • "Explanatory Data Science in Technology Applications" 
    Guest Editors: Adrianus Johannes "Han" Vinck, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany, Wolfram Luther, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany.
    >Call for Papers
    Submissions Deadline: 10 February 2025

Published Special Issues

Browse through all published special issues.

Web Services

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OAI-PMH - oai_dc: https://lib.jucs.org/oai.php?verb=ListRecords&set=jucs&metadataPrefix=oai_dc

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RSS for metadata: https://lib.jucs.org/rss.php

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Printed Annual Archive

The Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS) is a high-quality periodical and has been appearing in digital form without interruption since 1995. Until 2019, the annual volumes were also published in printed form.

Most of the printed annual archive editions are available for purchasing. If you are interested in an annual archive edition, please contact office@jucs.org.

  • Archive edition (Volume 1, 1995), ISBN 3-540-62047-8
  • Archive edition (Volume 2, 1996), ISBN 3-540-63210-7
  • Archive edition (Volume 3, 1997), ISBN 3-540-65392-9, (250,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 4, 1998), ISBN 3-540-41490-8 (250,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 5, 1999), ISBN 3-540-41499-3 (250,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 6, 2000), ISBN 3-540-41499-1 (250,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 7, 2001), ISBN 3-540-43773-8 (250,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 8, 2002), ISBN 3-540-00987-6 (250,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 9, 2003), ISBN 3-540-23073-4 (250,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 10, 2004), ISBN 3-540-26053-6 (250,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 11, 2005), ISBN 3-540-36591-5 (250,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 12, 2006), ISBN 978-3-902465-75-7 (250,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 13, 2007), ISBN 978-3-85125-017-6 (250,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 13, 2007), ISBN 978-3-85125-017-6 (250,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 14, 2008), ISBN 978-3-385125-063-3 (250,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 15, 2009), ISBN 978-3-85125-128-9 (250,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 16, 2010), ISBN 978-3-85125-159-3 (310,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 17, 2011), ISBN 978-3-85125-272-9 (290,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 18, 2012), ISBN 978-3-85125-645-1 (300,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 19, 2013), ISBN 978-3-85125-622-8 (300,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 20, 2014), ISBN 978-3-85125-677-2 (300,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 21, 2015), ISBN 978-3-85125-272-9 (300,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 22, 2016), ISBN 978-3-85125-732-8 (300,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 23, 2017), ISBN 978-3-85125-733-5 (300,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 24, 2018), ISBN 978-3-85125-744-1 (300,00 Euro)
  • Archive edition (Volume 25, 2019), ISBN 978-3-85125-745-8 (310,00 Euro)


Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz
Technikerstraße 4
8010 Graz, Austria
UID(VAT) ATU 57477929

Publishing and Journal Management:
Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science

Graz University of Technology

Sandgasse 36/3. floor
A-8010 Graz, Austria

The publication of the journal is supported by the J.UCS Consortium.

Homepage: http://www.jucs.org and http://lib.jucs.org
Print: ISSN 0948-695x
Online edition: ISSN 0948-6968
Email: office@jucs.org
Fax: +43 (0) 316 873 56 99

Journal Info


Journal Name JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science
Journal URL https://lib.jucs.org/
ISSN (online) 0948-6968
ISSN (print) 0948-695X
Content Provider ARPHA
Publisher Journal of Universal Computer Science
Journal Owner Graz University of Technology
Owner URL https://www.tugraz.at/en/home/
Start Year 1994
Review Type single-blind
Publication Frequency monthly
APC No publication charges
License Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)


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